The power of flowers- they are a universal treasure. You see the art and appreciation of flowers from several avenues. They are seen in our clothing attire, used in both food and drink, repurposed into lotions and perfumes and our favorite, given to express emotion.
With all that in mind, florals are bound to be in your life, in some capacity. The choice is to learn to embrace what you cannot avoid in whatever capacity that is. What’s trendy? The answer is always changing, so it is important to differentiate what is a fad and what is a trend, especially when it comes to florals.
If you are looking to find out which flower trends fit you, you have come to the right place.
There is somewhat of a generational divide when it comes to the gesture of giving and sending flowers. It has changed over the past few decades. This has raised a challenge for florists, as we try connecting a classic practice with new flower trends that are here to stay- all while trying to avoid the fads that come and go.
Less is More- a New Design Style.
Less is more in today’s world. Yes, having flowers delivered is a traditional practice, but there are trending flower design styles that are bringing that relevance into the modern-day home and style. The floral trend surrounding homes everywhere matches the home’s style. This consists of all-things minimalist.
Today’s preferred minimalist design is seen in the flowers they choose to send. Unstructured, garden-like designs are a popular trend. The green, unstructured, simple style fits into much of today’s aesthetic. The younger generation’s most universal flower trend is simple and clean designs.
While today's floral trend style is consistently minimal, the color preference is wide-ranged.
Soft or Bold- Trending Colors
The style preference is simple, but the color scheme comes in extremes. Today’s flower trend color forecast involves an extreme differentiation- soft neutrals to 70s-inspired psychedelics. This could potentially be the most extreme of the current flower trends, but we love it!
The soft and sophisticated shades of florals carry much of today’s overall floral design trends. This warm palette has grown into a trend due to an overall preferred softer approach. It is easy to see today’s generation’s preference for sustainability and organic feels. This proves evident in this color trend, as it gives a fresh, rejuvenating radiance.
If the popular neutral palette pales in comparison to your personality, there is no need to worry whether you are staying on-trend. On the opposite spectrum, vibrant and bold colors are equally popular for the modern-day flower arrangement.
Just as clothing styles are throwing back to previous generations; vibrant flower bouquets have been inspired by the trend. These design styles and color picks exude a reminder of living bold, lively and embracing a person’s individual character.
This color style is unapologetic and bold, just as the generation it serves. This color palette has character. It accents any space and expresses more than emotion. It makes any space more vibrant and livelier.
Health and Wellness- More than Its Looks
Flowers are a perishable good. There is plenty of today’s generation that struggles with understanding the worth of flowers. The key to bridging this gap in floral trends is to understand that flowers’ worth goes beyond their physical appearance- a concept we can all get behind.
Plants also double an air purifier. They are known to be beneficial to both physical and mental health. In addition, they are known to reduce stress, boost moods for both men and women, boost memory, express emotion and so much more.
Focusing on the value flowers offer beyond the initial gesture of receiving them and on to their many benefits will help any flower skeptic better understand the importance of them. Better health with beautiful, natural remedies is always trendy and is limited to no age group.
Plant a Seed and Watch It Grow.
Among the tip-top of flower trends in 2020 there is a trend that doesn’t even involve flowers. It involves plants. Today’s generation and the flower trends of 2020 are all about natural styles, benefits and an overall natural way of living. This includes individuals embracing their green thumb and their overall attraction to the look and style of plants.
Now more than ever, today’s consumer has a desire to remain “economically” conscience but with as little effort as possible. Plants have seemed to top the list for satisfying that floral trend of 2020. They are THE choice for living décor. Among the most popular styles of this living décor are succulents, easy-to-care-for plants, plants with colorful foliage and plants with unique styles.
Our florists at Forever Blooms in Lemon Grove, CA are here to help you sort through this year’s flower trends to figure out what is best for you. No matter the trend, no matter the generation, the gesture of giving flowers to another person is still relevant and a beautiful and timeless gift. You just have to find the floral best suits you.