All My Love™ Bouquet

If there’s love in your heart, our modern mix of pink & red blooms will let them know. Designed in a compact glass cylinder vase, this delightful gift dials up the romance, while delivering on your feelings. All-around arrangement with red roses; pink hydrangea, Gerbera daisies and Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria); hot pink spray roses Artistically designed in a clear glass cylinder vase; measures 6"H Arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 12"W Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability To ensure lasting beauty, Peruvian lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days
$ 69.99
sku # 179042

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Assorted Chocolates

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Assorted Chocolates

The gift idea that always delivers—our 9-piece Assorted Chocolate Gold Gift Box filled with luscious chocolate pieces in milk, dark and white chocolate tied with a gold ribbon. Good things come in small packages, and that's especially true when you're sharing our iconic gold gift box filled with nine delectable assorted chocolates in exciting flavor combinations. Our 9-pc Gold Gift Box holds some of our favorite chocolates in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate with rich and creamy flavors and tantalizing textures. Each chocolate piece is made with the highest quality ingredients. Make this your go-to gift for any occasion—a birthday treat for your chocolate-loving child, an end-of-year teacher gift, or as a thank you to a friend or neighbor for always being there for you. Box measures 6.4" x 1.4" x 6.4". *Components may vary. Weight: 3.6 oz.

SKU # 15212